Digital Radiography

Animal Ultrasound in Harrisburg

Digital Radiography

Radiography is a valuable diagnostic tool in veterinary medicine. As we continually strive to offer the highest quality medicine and diagnostic testing, we are pleased to offer digital radiology services as a means of providing excellent care to our patients.

A radiograph (sometimes called an x-ray) is a type of photograph that can look inside the body and reveal information that may not be discernible from the outside. Radiography can be used to evaluate almost any organ in the body, including the heart, lungs, and abdominal organs, as well as the bones.

Radiographs are an important tool that can help us make a correct diagnosis for your pet. Our radiology service is staffed by caring, skilled professionals who will provide state-of-the-art care with compassion and expertise.

Diagnosis for More Conditions

While we do offer x-ray services, ultrasound technology is often better for diagnosing many conditions. If you have any concerns make sure to talk to your vet about which service is best for your pet. We use a state-of-the-art ultrasound machine to look for problems in your pet’s abdomen.

With this service, we can assess the:

Ultrasound is also useful in detecting pregnancies early on and monitoring fetal progress later on. The procedure is non-invasive and rarely requires sedation so it is very safe for your pet. Our skilled veterinarians and veterinary team will read your pet’s results and determine the best course of action.

Serving Our Community Since 1962

The Animal Hospital of Dauphin County has been taking care of our furry patients for more than half a century. Our friendly veterinarians and staff love meeting new patients and helping them feel their best. With advanced imaging technology, we prevent many conditions from becoming worse, and we can treat existing conditions more effectively.

Our fully equipped animal hospital has everything we need to take care of your pet. Whether they need surgerymedication, or even rehabilitation therapy, you can count on Animal Hospital of Dauphin County to provide the highest levels of care.

Schedule your next appointment by calling (717) 775-7554 now.

Setting up an ultrasound appointment for your pet:

Our Referral Services technicians are here to help you through this process. They will schedule your appointment with Dr. Tomes who is our ultrasonographer. He travels to several parts of southeastern PA which allows you the convenience of having your pets ultrasound performed here at AHDC.

Most questions can be answered on, but feel free to reach out to our technicians at any point if you have other questions or concerns. They are available by phone at (717) 775-7554 and by email at [email protected].

What to Know

You will set up an intake appointment for the day of the ultrasound where a technician will go over all the paperwork and obtain a 50% deposit on services.


Water is allowed until you leave for your appointment, but please do not let your pet urinate after leaving for your appointment. These procedures are vital to the ultrasound exam and allow for higher quality images and more accurate diagnoses. In some cases, sedation may be required for your pet’s comfort during further diagnostic testing.

Dr. Tomes will call you once the ultrasound exam is finished and go over his findings and recommendations. After his assessment, you will set up a discharge appointment to pick up your pet. Your primary care veterinarian should also follow up with you.

Your pet will have been shaved by the doctor for the ultrasound. The fur will grow back over the next couple of months.


An ultrasound is a non-invasive way of looking inside your pet’s abdomen at their organs without having to perform surgery. The ultrasound machine sends sound waves into the body and then listens for the echoes, the machine then uses these echoes to form a picture of the inside of your pet. Don’t worry, these sound waves are too high in pitch for us, or any of our patients, to hear and produce no harmful effects.

Ultrasound exams are performed for many reasons just like in human medicine. In veterinary medicine, our patients are unable to talk and communicate to us what is wrong and because ultrasound is a safe, non-invasive and repeatable way to look inside the body, it has become a very useful tool for veterinarians in order to diagnose and treat many problems.

We care about your pet as much as you do and want the ultrasound exam to be a positive experience for both of you. Please feel free to ask us questions, we will do our best to provide you with the information you need

Ultrasound allows us to examine internal organs for location, size, shape, texture and blood supply. Unfortunately, ultrasound does not always give us a clear picture of how well the specific organ is working. This may be determined by other tests such as bloodwork or additional imaging.

It is not uncommon to find masses within the organs being examined by ultrasound. It cannot always be determined by ultrasound alone if the mass is benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancer). The doctor will look at your pet’s medical history and current concern, as well as the entire ultrasound exam to make a diagnosis and recommendations for further tests.

Further tests may include an ultrasound-guided aspirate of a mass found on ultrasound (obtaining a very small sample of the tissue with a needle), bloodwork, additional imaging, recheck imaging or surgery. You will always be contacted prior to any additional procedures.

To obtain the best ultrasound images possible, good contact between the ultrasound probe and your pet’s skin is necessary. Sound waves don’t like to travel through hair! Your pet will need to have the fur shaved from the area being scanned. If it is cold weather and your pet spends time outdoors, you may wish to provide a sweater or additional bedding while their fur re-grows.

After the exam, the doctor will discuss your pet’s results with you and make recommendations for follow-up care with your primary care veterinarian.

You will be provided with discharge instructions in the event your pet needed sedation or additional diagnostics by the technician or doctor during your discharge appointment.